How many samples can be tested?


For quantitative elisa kit

Each sample do single well test.(Five standard wells+ one blank well)

96T:   96-5-1=90 samples , 90 samples can be tested.

48T:   48-5-1=42 samples , 42 samples can be tested.

Each sample do two wells test and take the average value (ten standard wells+ one blank well)

96T:  (96-10-1)/2=44.5 samples,  44 samples can be tested

48T:  (48-10-1)/2=33.5 samples,  33 samples can be tested

For Qualitative Elisa kit

Two positive control+Twe negative control+ one blank well(Please confirm whether you need to set blank well according the manual)

96T:  96-5=91 samples, 91 samples can be tested.
48T:  48-5=43 samples, 43 samples can be tested.

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